
Ocean life & Fish lover/ Marine biologist/love ocean creature、animation、 aviation & two cute daughters / Clownfish Aquarium staff/ Program of Rosy seabass, Mahi mahi/ あと日本語初心です、勉強頑張って~

20180224 Marlborough rock daisy 馬爾堡石雛菊

Marlborough rock daisy 馬爾堡石雛菊


Marlborough rock daisy

上週末播種下去還沒有反應呢!! 期待期待!!~


Marlborough rock daisies (Pachystegia insignis

Max hight: 90cm

compact, low-growing shrubs, grown as much for their attractive leathery leaves as their eye-catching daisy flowers. They need good drainage and shelter from frosts, but once established they will survive strong winds and salt spray.


Seed is the preferred method of propagation and it is a surprisingly easy process. Collect fresh seed in late summer when it looks fluffy, just like a closed-up dandelion clock. Each flower contains enough seed to produce dozens of plants, so you do not need many.

Sow fresh seed immediately in a very freedraining seed mix and very lightly cover with fine gravel, vermiculite or perlite. Place the pot outside and keep your eye open for seedlings emerging.

The biggest killer of young plants is too much love in the form of watering. This is not to say you should not water them, but young seedlings are very prone to damping off.

When large enough to transplant be careful as they dislike root disturbance and remember to continue to use a good free-draining compost. Plants might take two years before they are large enough to plant out in the garden, but the sooner the better so that they can get established in their final location.


20160812 What is the "Great Impact Topic"?

話題是上週到日本找幸二玩的時候討論到的! 到底甚麼是"衝擊性的話題"?

大眾只會花最短的時間去看有趣的標題(俗話: 標題殺人法!!~)

Last week first time talking about the "What is the Great Impact Topic?" in Numazu deepsea aquarium with Ishikaki-san.

-Impact Topic!! The great impact title will be murdered!!


下面是範例~^^ (


出處: Numazu Deepsea Aquarium 

範例: 這張照片立刻會吸引住:

1. OTAKU for LLSS,

2. Ichthyologist,

3. Otaku ichthyologist << for me ...



深海からの友達 02- 岸谷氏尖頜烏鯊(Trigonognathus kabeyai)


日名是ワニグチツノザメ 鰐口角鮫~



只分布在日本 夏威夷 台灣是第三個記錄到的區域* >>表示黑潮流經的區域都有分布??菲律賓呢??



深海からの友達 01

2015年8月-11月 アカムツために、海上の試験始めます!




このかわいいこは強壯深海章魚コシキワタゾコダコ (Bathypolypus validus)~



10度水溫飼養 用白蝦餵養~食欲旺盛!!
